If you suspect that someone has used your Clearpay account without your permission, your account may be compromised.
First steps
- Update your account password immediately
For tips on cyber security these resources may help:
- Avoid using public WIFI https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/
- Create a secure password https://terranovasecurity.com/how-to-create-a-strong-password-in-7-easy-steps/
- Check to see if your email has been subject to a data breach https://haveibeenpwned.com/
- Passwords should have a minimum of 8/10 characters and at least one of the following four, upper case, lower case, numeral and/or a special character.
- Always change any passwords you have and ensure you don't use the same one on multiple sites / applications.
Before you make a claim with us
- Check delivery address on the order, have items been delivered to your home address? Check with friends and family members incase they purchased the goods using your account.
- Packages delivered to an address you do not recognise at all?
- Review the website for the store (sometimes the store / brand name might be slightly different than you recall)
It is essential that you get in touch with us straightaway and provide full details of the transactions that you believe are fraudulent. Click here